July 2022
Extract from the meeting business papers for the council meeting 26th of July 2022
Next Public Meeting
2pm - Saturday 6 August
Henry Parkes Hall, 144 Rouse Street - Tenterfield
Tenterfield Shire Council:
In 2019, TSC spent $2.47M on Governance & Administration.
By 2020, this was $5.5M – a rise of over $3.0M or 122% in 1 year!
This is more that they spent on community services.
Meanwhile, median personal income in Tenterfield was $25,480 in 2021 – many people live below the poverty line.
Can you afford these average rate increases over the next two years?
Note the extra $$$$ TSC aim to get from you won’t be used to increase services.
How we compare to other NSW large rural Shires (2020 NSW Government Data)
Our Shire Our Council Initiative (OSOCI) is a Tenterfield Shire citizen initiative formed because of community concern about the impact of the council’s past, present and proposed actions. We believe that the Tenterfield Shire – under better management – has great potential and can be turned around socially and economically.
Public Meeting Saturday 6th of August 2 PM
For just $10, you can join OSOCI.
That helps us to lobby Councillors and Members of Parliament on your behalf and
OSOCI Letter of Objection sent to councillors and council administration 26th of July 2022
If you want to express your opinion - feel free to use it
CEO - Daryl Buckingham - d.buckingham@tenterfield.nsw.gov.au
COO - Kylie Smith - k.smith@tenterfield.nsw.gov.au
Bronwyn Petrie - B Ward - b.petrie@tenterfield.nsw.gov.au
John McNish - B Ward - j.macnish@tenterfield.nsw.gov.au
Peter Petty - A Ward - p.petty@tenterfield.nsw.gov.au
Tim Bonner - A Ward - t.bonner@tenterfield.nsw.gov.au
Tom Peters - C Ward - t.peters@tenterfield.nsw.gov.au
Peter Murphy - C Ward - p.murphy@tenterfield.nsw.gov.au
Kim Rhodes - D Ward - k.rhodes@tenterfield.nsw.gov.au
Gianna Saccon - D Ward - g.saccon@tenterfield.nsw.gov.au
Greg Sauer - E Ward - g.sauer@tenterfield.nsw.gov.au
Geoff Nye - E Ward - g.nye@tenterfield.nsw.gov.au
Meeting held on the 4th of June 2022 in Tenterfield
104.49% Rate Rise - next steps coming
Tenterfield Shire Council Administration in their business paper for THIS week's meeting is proposing the application for the 104.49% rate increase - and approve the completely inadequate consultation process.
DOWNLOAD the business papers and read page 201 onwards
Here is what it means in simple terms:
We believe this is a further breach of the Local Government Legislation and are working towards a formal investigation of TSC's acts and ommissions (see previous Breach Notice below).
HELP the council to take MORE OF YOUR MONEY by doing nothing
Send a personal email / letter to your (and all other) councillor(s) and object to this - actively excluding the community treatment.
Any questions? Contact us now and we will clarify.
No wonder we are BROKE when these are the math skills of the COUNCIL.
Who can find the error?? Here are some hints.
2 x 40.5% special rate variation is NOT 81%🧐
Combined with the underlying 2.5% over the period
and compounding - it is ACTUALLY 109% RATE RISE = double 😠
and then the 2.5% keep coming year by year = TRIPLE😲
So the TRUE Math is very different to what the Mayor tries to make you believe.
Bronwyn Petrie - how do you explain this one (away) to your constituents.
Maybe you think we are stupid and don't see what you are doing?
We are glad you put this one in writing so there is no argument should we call this a LIE - coming from someone who's job is to protect the community - instead keeps putting out false and misleading statements over and over and over .....
Shame on you!
Write to your Mayor and Council to complain about this treatment. b.petrie@tenterfield.nsw.gov.au
copy to: council@tenterfield.nsw.gov.au and info@OSOCI.org
Listen to the TEN FM interview with Clive Powell and Christian Uhrig - 5th of May 2022
click to download
Agenda Ordinary Council Meeting - 25 May 2022 highlighted the important sections
Ordinary Council Meeting - 25 May 2022 - Attachment Booklet 1
Ordinary Council Meeting - 25 May 2022 - Attachment Booklet 2
URGENT – Stop the DOUBLE Rate rise AND plans to fail!!!
Despite the statements from the council and their CEO, the Tenterfield Shire Council is in SEVERE FINANCIAL STRESS
Rates will increase by 109 % according to councils own figures and documents over the next few years.
Fees and charges are set to increase IMMEDIATELY despite previous promises by the Mayor and Councillors to the contrary.
Council have budgeted for a $6.45million DEFICIT over the next 4 years.
This does not include the certainty of rising interest rates (currently a 5% forecast).
There seems to be no plan to reduce council expenditure.
YOUR input and feedback over the previous weeks has been completely IGNORED.
Neither the Plans NOR the Budget has been amended as requested by the community.
YOU will pay for their mistakes.
1. Email all the Councillors with YOUR REQUEST TO VOTE NO on the IP&R Plans / Budget / FEE INCREASE at the Council meeting on Wednesday 25th of May.
b.petrie@tenterfield.nsw.gov.au j.macnish@tenterfield.nsw.gov.au p.petty@tenterfield.nsw.gov.aut.bonner@tenterfield.nsw.gov.au t.peters@tenterfield.nsw.gov.au p.murphy@tenterfield.nsw.gov.au k.rhodes@tenterfield.nsw.gov.au g.saccon@tenterfield.nsw.gov.au g.sauer@tenterfield.nsw.gov.au g.nye@tenterfield.nsw.gov.au
2. Attend the Council Chambers Wednesday 25th MAY @ 9am to have your voice heard. To instruct your Councillors to vote NO to the proposals set before council for this meeting.
3. Bring your "VOTE NO" Signs with you on Wednesday
4. Forward this to everyone you know in Tenterfield shire.
Speak up!
Find more details and the plans in question (with highlights to make it easier) below
Tenterfield Mayor Bronwyn Petrie writes on Facebook - 6. May 2022:
Christian kindly stop spreading untruths and defamatory and libellous statements regarding myself to our community. MY INTERVIEW WAS RECORDED AND IS EASILY CHECKED. At no time in my radio interview with Peter Robinson did I say the proposed rate rise was never more than 40%. I never once said the words 40%. Peter read from Council February meeting business papers (regarding a proposed application for a Special Rate Variation SRV of 40% for 22/23 financial year and 40% for 23/24) and he referenced the proposed 40% for the 22/23 financial year. As you well know at that meeting Councillors decided to not proceed with any application commencing 22/23 but to defer a decision on whether to apply to IPART for an SRV or not, and if so at what percentage and over what time period. One of the options finance staff have prepared for consideration is the one shown above from the council public consultation documents of 40.5% in 23/24 and 40.5% in 24/25 along with the rate peg allowance of 2.5% per year which accumulates to 109.6% over 3 years. There is a 0.7% rate peg rise for 22/23 in line with IPART determination. No decision on any application for an SRV commencing 23/24 will be made until later in the year. For FACTS I strongly advise residents and ratepayers to contact Council.
So the Mayor of Tenterfield has a well crafted Interview on Radio and AGREES with the announcer who says - "....never more than 40%" and the Mayor agrees to that - I think that message got across exactly as intended - in business that would be called "false and misleading advertising" - what is it called in Politics????
See what the PUB test would bring up
Christian Uhrig responds - 7. May 2022
Bronwyn Petrie let me remind you that the High Court of Australia upholds freedom of speech particularly when it comes to criticising political matters. If you feel that this is liable and defamation then I invite you to have your lawyer send a cease-and-desist letter. The fact that you haven't done this to date and are protesting so strongly against our calls for fully open and transparent reviews of how you get to spend our money leads me to believe that you won't be sending me that letter I suggest that you stop wasting your time defending policy that needs to be changed.
We wanted to share an update with everyone.
This morning the OSOCI met with the Chief Executive and Deputy and we have been given the opportunity to further clarify to the Chief Executive our position on any rate rise.
The door is now open to include OSOCI as a community group in the consultation process and our feedback will hopefully create true collaboration and a fairer representation of the community’s concerns in the final Community Consultation Response document.
We will be representing the wider community if any future meetings with the Council take place.
We know this is a highly charged topic – and emotions are running high as after all it’s YOUR money.
OSOCI also encourages the community to engage with the Council by writing to your Councillor, writing or meeting with the Chief Executive directly or contact us via email or phone to voice your concerns.
📩 You can do this by emailing any comments you have to:
council@tenterfield.nsw.gov.au and copy in the Chief Eexecutive, Daryl Buckingham d.buckingham@tenterfield.nsw.gov.au and COO k.smith@tenterfield.nsw.gov.au
You can find your ward map and councillor email addresses below
This is what is recommended by the Office of Local Government as best practice for community engagement for a special rate variation (SRV). This is what we are calling a 3 times rate rise.
A local council might determine that a special rate variation is the most appropriate way to fund the Delivery Program commitments in order to achieve community outcomes. In applying for a special rate variation, the council will need to demonstrate how it’s Community Strategic Plan and Delivery Program support and justify this option.
In short, the council should have:
We’re waiting on bullet points 2, 3 and 4.
The information received is insufficient, the process is flawed and the community's wishes are being ignored.
The Office of Local Government in NSW provides very clear guidelines for Councils to collaborate and plan for the future with the community.
Here they are for everyone to understand and know why we are calling for a NEW community consultation process and transparent information – no more telling us what to do or pay for without engaging with us:
The IP&R Framework is underpinned by strong community engagement. Engagement with residents as well as business, state agencies and non-government organisations is essential to creating plans that will truly represent the aspirations and needs of the local community.
Each council is required to create a strategy for how they will engage the community in creating and reviewing their Community Strategic Plan. This strategy must:
• be based on the social justice principles of access, equity, participation and rights
• identify relevant stakeholder groups in the community
• outline the methods that the council will use to engage each of these groups.
• allow sufficient time to effectively undertake the engagement
👀👀READ MORE HERE: https://www.olg.nsw.gov.au/.../community-engagement.../
🤝🤝Let's collaborate with the entire community of Tenterfield.
Bronwyn Petrie - Mayor Tenterfield Shire Council
How low are you willing to sink Bronwyn?
In order to cover up what is going on you are lying on Radio?
Peter Robinson was narating the numbers to make it look less dramatic and you confirmed that in February you put out information of ONLY 40% rate rise. Your post is now deleted - I wonder why.
Lying on Ten FM this morning🤔🤔🤔👇👇😡😡😡
As a matter of fact your post was saying 79.46% ❌❌❌ and the papers for public consultation show 109% 🆘🆘🆘 over 2-3 years and 200% over 10 years.⛔️⛔️⛔️
And Peter Robinson knows that as he discussed whether can even say 80% on the flyer for the community meeting.
And of course you can't just built a $5 Million Treatment plant - but you could have - have you even tried?
Probably not, as you all think that it is a great achievement to build bigger and more expensive infrastructure - without considering the consequences.
When we sat together on Sept 9. 2020 it was clearly explained to you - what have you and the other councillors done? Nothing.
This type of project was done before and we have given you proof of that time.
What you have done is - put the information on the WTP as confidential so that no one can access it.
Embarrassing - really - shame one you!
the deadline for comments on the Council Proposed PLANS is 1st of May 2022
Options for you:
1. Write a cover note / email - personalise your response
and send the very detailed submission to the council / councillors.
download the submission here
send to the council chambers or email to: council@tenterfield.nsw.gov.au
If you want to copy us in use cc: info@osoci.org so that we know how much feedback was submitted
Wondering why councils Plans are NOT Plans - find out here
This email was sent today to TSC
On behalf of over 300 members of the community, we, the core team submit this document which has been prepared by and with the direct input of the community. This includes 81 year old couples all the way to 30 year old workers and many between. We would be pleased to provide a selection of the individual comments received from a vastly SCARED community.
The Document speaks for itself and requires both immediate attention and action as well as a detailed response and inclusion of the community into the reworking of the proposed plans which shall determine the future of this shire.
Despite the mostly critical tone in this response, the core team members are still of the opinion that the looming administration and amalgamation can be avoided.
Making those required changes will be painful and unpleasant for the most part, however way less painful then the alternative.
Our Team is still committed to provide the offered support and urges all recipients of this communication to act swiftly and in the interest of the community, which means setting personal goals aside and act responsibly.
You know where to find us and we trust you will find the ethical and moral strength to reach out.
We are looking forward to a comprehensive response and dialogue.
The Core Team of the OSOC Initiative
copies provided to several government bodies, media, online
2. Use this FORM (download) and fill it in and send to the council / councillors (see below).
3. Write your own response alltogether.
4. Sign the petition and instruct us to submitt the detailed submission on your behalf.
Do you:
Join this initiative and be part of the change for the better
Rate Rise proposed is 200% (triple) over the 10 year planning cycle.
109% over 2-3 years
not 80% as advised by Council in the media.
so if you pay $1,000.-- in rates today - in 2.5 years you pay around $2,000.-- and in 10 years $3,000.--
UPDATE 23rd of April - think again!
Always wanted to combined a yummi breakfast with a bit of Q&A with the TSC CEO Daryl Buckingham.
Here is your chance
RSVP: tctib@outlook.com
Lot's more supporters have joined the initiative and the CORE team now consists of 12 people.
CALL TO ACTION - URGENT - action by 19th of April 2022 CoB
If you want to see change it is imperative that actively take part in some of the activities. This is YOUR campain as well.
We have prepared the letter to the CEO and now need to convince the councillors (who are the bosses of the CEO and administration) to do their part and instruct the CEO to execute the community's request presented in this letter.
Here is what you need to please do TODAY:
Previous email sent (please only use for guidance:
Good Day Councillors
I am a constituent of your ward and a supporter of the OSOCO Initiative.
The CEO has received a letter from the OSOCI on April 13th 2022 and I wish that you represent me in the upcoming council meeting on the 27th of April by moving and passing a motion to instruct the CEO to act on this letter in the best way possible and as proposed by the initiative.
To do so you must give notice of the business by 5pm this Tuesday (7 days prior to the meeting)
I am looking forward to your full support in the best interest of the community and future of our Shire and thank you for your service and representation of my wishes.
Thanks and Kind Regards
CONTACT your Councillors in their Wards
Bronwyn Petrie - B Ward - b.petrie@tenterfield.nsw.gov.au
John McNish - B Ward - j.macnish@tenterfield.nsw.gov.au
Peter Petty - A Ward - p.petty@tenterfield.nsw.gov.au
Tim Bonner - A Ward - t.bonner@tenterfield.nsw.gov.au
Tom Peters - C Ward - t.peters@tenterfield.nsw.gov.au
Peter Murphy - C Ward - p.murphy@tenterfield.nsw.gov.au
Kim Rhodes - D Ward - k.rhodes@tenterfield.nsw.gov.au
Gianna Saccon - D Ward - g.saccon@tenterfield.nsw.gov.au
Greg Sauer - E Ward - g.sauer@tenterfield.nsw.gov.au
Geoff Nye - E Ward - g.nye@tenterfield.nsw.gov.au
Ask Mr Google about Councillors' Duties in NSW
UPDATE - 13. April 2022
This Letter has been sent to the CEO and Councillors today. We are hoping for a timely and appropriate response.
hand delivered - no one home to accpet it but the nice lady at reception.
Thank you to the hundreds of Tenterfield Ratepayers that turned out yesterday to learn more about the TSC’s plans for a 109% rate increase!
We hear you and see you.
Together our voices can be heard.
Thanks for those who have signed up and want to actively work on improvements and changes. Well done.
We are working on next steps and will be touch about our next meeting!
👉 Sign up using the Form below to stay in touch.
👉👉 Don’t sit on the fence - get involved.
Please start reading the current PLANS and contribute to the consolidated response
Link to the current plans for comment:
Rate Rise proposed is
200% (triple) over the 10 year planning cycle.
109% over 2-3 years
not 80% as advised by Council.
so if you pay $1,000.-- in rates today - in 2.5 years you pay $around $2,000.-- and in 10 years $3,000.--
Source: Meeting Handout Community Consultation session 7th of April, RSL, Tenterfield
which WARD do you live in? check the map and find your councillor
(c) 2022 - Our Shire Our Council Initiative - www.osoci.org - associated